Balakrishna's new movie under the direction of Ravi Chavali is titled Srimannarayana. Earlier, the makers have considered the title Kalki, but following some negative feedback from Balakrishna's fans they've finallyconfirmed Srimannarayana. Balayya is once again playing the role of a lecturer in this movie produced by Ramesh Puppala. Parvati Melton and Isha Chawla are paired opposite Balayya in this action entertainer. Chakri who dished out blockbuster music for Balakrishna's 'Simha' has been roped in as music director againfor this movie.
Balakrishna New Movie Srimannarayana
Balakrishna's new movie under the direction of Ravi Chavali is titled Srimannarayana. Earlier, the makers have considered the title Kalki, but following some negative feedback from Balakrishna's fans they've finallyconfirmed Srimannarayana. Balayya is once again playing the role of a lecturer in this movie produced by Ramesh Puppala. Parvati Melton and Isha Chawla are paired opposite Balayya in this action entertainer. Chakri who dished out blockbuster music for Balakrishna's 'Simha' has been roped in as music director againfor this movie.
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