Young Tiger Jr NTR is the Badshah of Tollywood! The makers of NTR's new movie under the direction of Srinu Vaitla has confirmed the title Badshah. The story of the film is readyand Baadhshah will hit the floors in March. Earlier, the makers have considered the titled 'Action – With Entertainment' for this movie, but at the behest of fans they have finally settled for Baadshah. Kajal Aggarwal is likely to romance Jr NTR in this mass entertainer to be produced by Ganesh Babu on Parameswara Arts banner. KV Guhan is the Cinematographer and Thaman is the music director. The makers are planning to complete the movie in a single schedule and release it by August.
Jr NTR New Movie Badshah Confirmed
Young Tiger Jr NTR is the Badshah of Tollywood! The makers of NTR's new movie under the direction of Srinu Vaitla has confirmed the title Badshah. The story of the film is readyand Baadhshah will hit the floors in March. Earlier, the makers have considered the titled 'Action – With Entertainment' for this movie, but at the behest of fans they have finally settled for Baadshah. Kajal Aggarwal is likely to romance Jr NTR in this mass entertainer to be produced by Ganesh Babu on Parameswara Arts banner. KV Guhan is the Cinematographer and Thaman is the music director. The makers are planning to complete the movie in a single schedule and release it by August.
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