Mega Power Star Ram Charan Tej, director VV.Vinayak combination film, which was launched a while ago, has started its regular shooting from February 7. Touted to be a commercial mass entertainer, the film casts Kajal Agarwal as the female lead while the second lead is yet to be finalized though Kannada actress Parul Yadav name isunder consideration. Fore the first time, Ram Charan will be seen playing dual roles in the movie. The film would be a quickie and will be shot in a long grueling schedule. DVV Danayya will produce the film under Universal Media banner with music by SS Thaman. RamCharan might also commence shooting for his Yevadu in Vamsi Paidipally direction from the February 23.
Ramcharan dual role in Vinayak movie
Mega Power Star Ram Charan Tej, director VV.Vinayak combination film, which was launched a while ago, has started its regular shooting from February 7. Touted to be a commercial mass entertainer, the film casts Kajal Agarwal as the female lead while the second lead is yet to be finalized though Kannada actress Parul Yadav name isunder consideration. Fore the first time, Ram Charan will be seen playing dual roles in the movie. The film would be a quickie and will be shot in a long grueling schedule. DVV Danayya will produce the film under Universal Media banner with music by SS Thaman. RamCharan might also commence shooting for his Yevadu in Vamsi Paidipally direction from the February 23.
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