Post Dookudu, Srinu Vaitla is the most sought after director in the industry and this is now being reflected in his asking rate. As per the latest reports, Srinu Vaitla has asked for a whopping price of Rs 10 Crores for his next movie with NTR. This is reportedly the highest price ever for a Telugu director. There is still no confirmation about whether the producer accepted the figure. The movie is going to be produced by Ganesh Babu and the muhurtam shot will be on March 18th. According to sources the movie will have NTR’s trademark mass action sequences as well as Srinu Vaitla’s brand of comedy.
Srinu Vaitla asks Rs.10 cr.for NTR film
Post Dookudu, Srinu Vaitla is the most sought after director in the industry and this is now being reflected in his asking rate. As per the latest reports, Srinu Vaitla has asked for a whopping price of Rs 10 Crores for his next movie with NTR. This is reportedly the highest price ever for a Telugu director. There is still no confirmation about whether the producer accepted the figure. The movie is going to be produced by Ganesh Babu and the muhurtam shot will be on March 18th. According to sources the movie will have NTR’s trademark mass action sequences as well as Srinu Vaitla’s brand of comedy.
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